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The Teenager's Book Club is a place to find a good book to read. You know how hard it is to find a good book. Well, all the books on the sight are books I've read and or reading. Some are good and others are not so good. My friends have also read most of the books. That's why I decided to start a book club. Because at my school we share books, well not literally share them,but one person will read a book and if it's good they will tell someone else to read it. That is basically the goal of this Book Club.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Breathing Underwater

Breathing Underwater was pretty good. It's about a boy that beat his girlfriend and ends up in a helping place thing. (its 7 am. give me a break) He meets all kinds of guys that are like him-abusive, hurt, emotionally struggling, and that have problems at home. Over all, the book was a good read.


E. R. Bird "Ramseelbird" (Manhattan, NY) - See all my reviews Nick Andreas has just been served a restraining order from the person he loves the most in the world. After beating his girlfriend, the sixteen-year-old offender finds himself attending group therapy and writing in a journal about the things he's done. He's the son of an abuser, and it looks like that abuse has surfaced within himself. The question is, can Nick recognize what he's done? More importantly, can he change?
The premise is a complex one. Author Alex Flinn set out to write about an abusive relationship from the abuser's point of view. Now how do you go about doing that, exactly? How do you write a story in which the reader has to simultaneously empathize with and abhor the protagonist? The fact of the matter is, Flinn is so adept with her writing skills that she gets away with it. The result is phenomenal.
The real strength of this story is the way in which the plot arcs and fools the reader. Nick is hardly a reliable narrator (a fact that becomes painfully clear by the end of the story). Yet when he writes in his journal, he feels unaccountably unable to lie about anything that happened. Flinn slowly brings the plot in the journal, and the story of how Nick lives in the aftermath of his own violence, together by the book's end. She does not compromise her position either. As a woman who served as a lawyer trying domestic violence cases and as a volunteer at the Inn Transition facility for battered women and their kids, she knows from whence she speaks. This isn't an author who is speculating on what violence does to families and friends. She knows. Better still, she can write about it.
This isn't a perfect book, I suppose. Some jumps in the plot are implausible. Some characters inconsistent. But what flaws it has only serve to show how strong the story itself is. There is no book on how abusers feel that is as available and accessible to young adults as "Breathing Underwater". You will never regret having read it.

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